Saturday, January 28, 2012

Update on the new scoreboard

The new scoreboard has been discussed for some time now after the plans were announced last August. If you go to the game today you will notice some of the new features but the actual new scoreboard will be revealed at the homecoming game next Saturday, February 4th.  In addition to the scoreboard there are updates to the scorers's table, which are long overdue.  Also there are going to be video displays over the four portal entrances but as the article says won't be capable of showing live instant-replay. The article has a good Q&A section to try to provide answers to questions I'm sure a lot of fans have:

1. Is there a video board as part of the new center-hung scoreboard?

No. Due to building code regulations, a replacement scoreboard cannot exceed the weight of the existing scoreboard which weighs approximately 4,700 pounds. A video board with the required size and quality needed for the Patriot Center cannot be achieved given the weight limitations.

2. Will a center-hung video board be installed in the future?

Maybe. While the new center-hung scoreboard is 4-sided and can be removed and reused in other applications, the prospect for a center-hung video board is a major project; it will require a renovation of the Patriot Center roof estimated at $5 million and would result in closing the arena for approximately six months. Currently, there is no plan to undertake such a project, but the University will be considering it in the future plans of the Patriot Center.

3. Can the large four corner LED displays be utilized for video?

They can be used, within limitation, to show pre-recorded video. However, at this time, they cannot be used to show instant replay of game action.

I think it's interesting they give "maybe" as an answer for getting a video board on a scoreboard in the future. If improvements to the roof have to be made I don't ever really seeing it happen because they would have to close down the Patriot Center for so long and there are events there year-round.  But the face lift is a nice improvement to the facilities since it looks like more funding for a practice facility is never going to happen.


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