Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Patriot Center is finally getting a new scoreboard, just not with video

It was getting to the point where we thought it was never going to happen. But in a surprise move today the university released a statement saying an upgraded scoreboard is in the works and will be ready at some point during the 2011-2012 season. Sadly it seems having video in this scoreboard upgrade is not something Mason fans can look forward to right away, from
One element, as a result of facility and resource limitations, that will not be part of the new center-hung scoreboard will be video capabilities. The Patriot Center, which will celebrate its 26th season of operation in October, would require, in accordance with building codes, a multi-million dollar roof renovation in order to install a video board.
Sad that even UNCW is going to have a video scoreboard in an arena much smaller than the Patriot Center, I mean just how weak is that roof? Of course this doesn't mean we still couldn't have video screens somewhere in the corners of the arena, like say above the entrance portals.  Regardless of the absence of video it will nice to finally have a scoreboard that has players' names illuminated correctly. I'm pretty sure Cam Long didn't change his name to Cam "Lung" throughout his career, even if the scoreboard displayed such.

[Image via]


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