It was a game for Mason that bought back some memories from their dominate play earlier in this season. The Patriots routed their second CAA opponent at home this year, scored 80 points, shot over 58%, won by 28, got it done from the free throw line and more importantly got a big lead and kept it through second half. What was interesting in this game but shouldn't be surprising is that leading scorer Will Thomas only had 6 points in this explosion of offense. John Vaughan continued being a leader on offense for the Patriots scoring 16 and Dre Smith had another impressive night from behind the arc. Smith's defense was also a huge factor in this game, in the first half he caused a frustration offensive foul on Huskie guard Chaisson

Allen that really set the tempo for the rest of the game. But the real story was freshmen Cam Long starting in place for injured Jordan Carter (who should be back Thursday) and put up some impressive numbers. The
Washington Post reported that Long was in the starting lineup over Dre Smith because of his lateness to a pregame meal. Discipline, I love it. After watching Long in the Old Spice Tournament early this year I really thought he would be taking away minutes from Carter more but recently it has only happened due to injury. This was another game that really showed his versatility and athleticism that he can bring each night. Now if only him and the rest of the Patriots could figure out how play like this for a whole 40 minutes on the road we might have reason to cheer in March.
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