I don't have time to write much today as I am about to head to Richmond for the semifinals. This upset is exactly the kind of play fans expected from Mason all year but rarely got to see. Its almost as if a fire has been lit under them, as they led by 15 at the half; who saw this coming? Monroe bought his A game and Dre Smith continued to show his poise to use a 21-4 run at the end of the first half to build that lead. The game controlled by Mason's surges with 10-0 and 8-0 runs. They will need to keep up this tempo to beat ODU who hasn't lost since January 20th. Expect Monroe and Thomas to be the main focus of the offense but guys like Campbell and Smith are gonna need to continue knocking down three-pointers. ODU most likely already has an at-large berth set for the NCAA tournament where as Mason needs win out to make it. Its going to be a battle of who wants it more, should be a great game. Im out.

Thank you Courtney Erland for all the great pictures you have provided this season.

Thank you Courtney Erland for all the great pictures you have provided this season.
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