Michael Nickens became Mason's new prep band director last year and had fans wondering why a Pimp had taken over this position. Nickens, more commonly known to the Mason faithful as
"Doc Nix", brought new life to the Patriot Center crowd this past season and now even
has his own bobblehead! Nickens also works with Thomas Edison High School’s Marching Band, located in Alexandria, VA and as a fund raiser he created bobbleheads of himself (Kryptonite Kane included) to
sell for $10 a pop. Sure the thing might resemble Cheech Marin in a Pimp suit but what the hey I'd buy one. It's definitely a better bobblehead than the Gunston one I received at a home game a couple years ago, then used to take out my anger by smashing to pieces shortly after the GMU-Hofstra CAA semi-finals debacle in 2006. If smashing a Gunston bobblehead is wrong I don't want to be right.
Which brings to up the point I am trying to make. Doc Nix, decked out in his full attire makes such a better mascot than Gunston for the Patriots. It's not a Patriot but it's also not a confusing, poor man's green cookie monster either. Unlike Gunston, Doc Nix actually gets the Mason crowd fired up and all the students love him. And I'm not just saying this because he added me as a friend on Facebook. Gunston is a symbol of the old GMU days when we were a school tucked away in Fairfax that no one knew about; Doc Nix represents the new look of Mason with pride, spirit and cheer that was lacking for many years.